Author: David Lewis
Make Sure That Your Team is Comprised of A and B Players
Let’s face it, some people are better workers than others. Just like it was in high school, people can be graded as A, B, C, and D players at work. It’s been said that in management, A players want to work with A+ players, and that B players want to work with C players. You…
A Great Message On Leadership
Leadership is largely about how you communicate with your staff, Mr. Satov says. He warns against relying too heavily on e-mail – or the telephone, for that matter. “You cannot replace one-on-one meeting time with employees,” he says. “The tougher the message, the more live you should be.” Will the manager of the future be…
I Love This Management Quote
If companies are to going to improve employee engagement “we have to start admitting that if employees aren’t as enthusiastic, impassioned, and excited as they should be, it’s not because work sucks; it’s because management blows.” Less managing, more passion is the key
Promote Your Ideas Through Massive Effort
I previously wrote about the fear of someone stealing your ideas. What’s important is that you believe in your ideas enough to put massive effort into developing them to the point that you dominate the sector with your implementation. Once you have done this, you should have no fear in sharing them. Gone are the…
You Don’t Learn About Success By Studying Failure
Over the course of my career I’ve had different conversations with people who defended their decisions to stay at a job that either wasn’t fulfilling, or didn’t offer them any room for growth. Frequently, one of the main reasons given for staying ends up being, “but at least I’m learning what not to do”. That…
Stop Thief!
Being worried about someone stealing my ideas speaks more about me than it does about them. Why? Because ideas are cheap, and execution is expensive. If I’m worried about them stealing my ideas, then what I am really saying is that I don’t have faith in myself. Faith in my ability to implement my ideas…
Becoming A Better Writer
It was a dark and stormy night. Err, no. One of the reasons for me starting this blog was to try and become a better writer. While I’m generally known as a good communicator, writing does not come easy for me. It always seems to take too much time to convey the message that I…